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Showing posts from January, 2016

How to Survive This Weekend If You're NOT Going to BroadwayCon

What is BroadwayCon, you ask? You know in The Big Bang Theory when Sheldon & co dress up like comic book characters and go to ComicCon? This is the exact same thing, except everyone is dressed up as either Alexander Hamilton, Jack Kelly, or Elphaba. Today marks the first day of the first-ever BroadwayCon, and if you're not one of the lucky few who are in NYC heading to the convention right now, you may be feeling like life pretty much sucks. All week, has been posting articles to help convention attendees make the most of their weekend, but what about the rest of us stuck in the cold, huh? Don't we deserve some love even if we can't be there? This post is for you, you poor unfortunate souls. (Heh heh. See what I did there? No? Okay. Moving on.) To help you forget about the panels, the Newsies master classes, the karaoke sessions, and brushing elbows with Broadway elite, I have provided this guide to help you cope with your BroadwayCon depressio...

Five Things Sharpay & Ryan Did in Their Auditions That You Should NEVER Do

If you're  a Disney-obsessed millennial like I am, you know that the 10th Anniversary of High School Musical was last night. As I sat and watched this beloved classic, I found I was watching it from a far more critical standpoint, than I did when I was twelve. One thing that really stood out to me was Sharpay and Ryan's complete disregard for proper audition etiquette. I picked out the biggest offenders and decided to post them here as a way to teach all Future Actors of America to NEVER do these things in a real audition. 1) Choreography -   A singing audition is to sing. Please don't start dancing, trust me. I learned that lesson the hard way. That's what dance calls are for. 2) The costumes - Nope. Nope. If you disagree with me, look at the first episode of SMASH. The girl not wearing the Marilyn Monroe costume gets the gig. Unless the girl wearing the Marilyn Monroe costume sleeps with the director. Anyway. The point is, don't do it. Your talent should ...

The First Post!

HELLO WORLD! Look at me, I made a blog. I won't go through introducing myself, because my audience consists of my friends and family who have been saying for years, "you should write a theatre blog!" So hey guys. Ask and ye shall receive. I have a few ideas as to what I will write about, so hopefully over time I will find my voice on here. I think it will be fun! This is a platform where I can say all I want about the theatre scene and my poor family won't have to endure dozens of screenshots per day of the latest article. So, here we go! Hit like, or subscribe, or follow or whatever you people do on this website. My first post should be coming later today!